The false shaggy mane, Podaxis pistillaris.
Lycoperdon pistillare
Common Names
False shaggy mane
Gasterocarp: 2-15 cm in height, 1-4 cm broad. The surface is dry, pure white to tan, yellow-brown or brown, typically breaking up to form shaggy fibrils or scales which may eventually wear away to reveal the smooth surface underneath.
Stem: up to 1 cm diameter, pale to brown, narrowing to the top with an enlarged bulbous base.
Gleba: deep brown to black at maturity.
See here for a more complete description.

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P. pistillaris has been found in a number of locales, including:
Afghanistan (Watling and Gregory, 1977)
Africa (Dring, 1964)
Argentina (Martinez, 1971)
Australia (Hilton and Kenneally, 1981)
Brazil (Baseia and Galvão, 2002)
Congo (Dissing and Lange, 1962)
Iran (Watling and Gregory, 1977)
Israel (Dring and Rayss, 1963; Binyamini, 1973)
Pakistan (Sultana et al., 2007)
South Africa (Bottomley, 1948)
USA (Brasfield, 1937)
The fungus is typically found in semideserts, and is often associated with termite mounds. No species of the Podaxis genus has been found in Europe or Japan (Dominguez de Toledo, 1993).
The fruiting bodies of P. pistillaris are used in some parts of Yemen for the treatment of skin diseases, in South Africa as folk medicine against sunburn. In other countries, e.g. India, Afghanistan and Saudi Arabia, they are used as food (Gupta and Singh, 1991). In Australia, the fungus was often used by Aborigines to darken the white hair in the whiskers of old men, for body painting and as a fly repellent (Australian National Botanic Gardens: Fungi Web Site).
Cultivation of the fruiting bodies has been reported (Jandaik and Kapoor, 1976; Phutela et al., 1998).
The fruiting bodies of P. pistillaris contain 76% moisture, 5% total nitrogen, 22-37% total crude protein, 18.5% carbohydrates, 2.3% total lipids and 2.4% ash (Khaliel et al., 1991). Carbohydrate analysis revealed 15.0% reducing sugars (Gupta and Kapoor, 1990).
Bioactive compounds
A high value for total lanthanides was measured in this mushroom (75 mg/kg dry weight) (Stijve et al., 2001).
In the culture medium of P. pistillaris three epidithiodiketopiperazines were identified as epicorazines A, B and C (Al-Fatimi et al., 2006). These three molecules appear to be structurally identical except for their chirality.

Medicinal properties
Antinflammatory activity
The fungi have been reported to be used in China to treat inflammation (Mao, 2000), but I have not found any scientific evidence that might support this usage.
Antimicrobial activity
Antimicrobial activities against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus mirabilis have been reported (Panwar and Purohit, 2002). Additionally, antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus flavus, Bacillus subtilis, Proteus mirabilis, Serratia marcescens and Escherichia coli is attributed to the epicorazines described below (Al-Fatimi et al., 2006).
Al-Fatimi MA, Julich WD, Jansen R, Lindequist U.
Bioactive components of the traditionally used mushroom Podaxis pistillaris.
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Some interesting gasteromycetes (Basidiomycota) in dry areas from northeastern Brazil.
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Bottomley AM.
Gasteromycetes of South Africa.
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The morphology of Podaxis pistillaris.
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Gasteromycetes of Congo.
Bull. Jard. Bot. L’etat. 1962. 32 (4): 325-416.
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The Gasteromycete fungi of Israel.
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Carbohydrate analysis of some edible mushrooms.
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Gupta S, Singh SP.
Nutritive value of mushroom Podaxis pistillaris.
Indian J Mycol Plant Pathol 1991 21:273–6.
Hilton RN, Kenneally KF.
The desert Coprinus fungus Podaxis pistillaris in Western Australia.
West. Aust. Nat. 1981. 15: 21-26.
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Phylogenetic relationships in the mushroom genus Coprinus and dark-spored allies based on sequence data from the nuclear gene coding for the large ribosomal subunit RNA: divergent domains, outgroups, and monophyly.
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Studies on vitamin requirements of some edible fungi.
Indian Phytopathol. 1976 29:259–61.
Khaliel AS, Abou-Heilah AN, Kassim MY.
The main constituents and nutritive value of Podaxis pistillaris.
Acta Bot Hung. 1991 36:173–9.
Khaliel AS, Abou-Heilah AN, Kassim MY.
The nutrient composition of Podaxis pistillaris.
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Mao XL.
The Macrofungi in China.
Zhengzou: Henan Science and Technology Press, 2000. (Chinese)
Martínez A.
Notes sobre el genero Podaxis (Gasteromycetes) en Argentina.
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Panwar Ch, Purohit DK.
Antimicrobial activities of Podaxis pistillaris and Phellorinia inquinans against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus mirabilis.
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Physiology of an edible gasteromycete, Podaxis pistillaris (Lin. Ex Pers.) Fr.
J Mycol Plant Pathol. 1998 28: 31–7.
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Simultaneous uptake of rare elements, aluminium, iron, and calcium by various macromycetes.
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Hymenomycetes from Multan District.
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