Magic Mushroom Dosage Calculator with Psilocybin Levels & Tolerance Magic Mushroom You can use this drop down to select the Magic Mushroom you want to calculate the dosage of. Once selected, the Psilocybin and Psilocin levels will be input. Gymnopilus purpuratus Panaeolus cyanescens Panaeolus subbalteatus Pluteus salicinus Psilocybe azurescens Psilocybe baeocystis Psilocybe cubensis Psilocybe cyanescens Psilocybe mexicana P. mexicana(sclerotia) Psilocybe semilanceata Psilocybe stuntzii Psilocybe subaeruginosa Psilocybe tampanensis P. tampanensis(sclerotia) Psilocybe weillii Trip level You can select the trip level you want to achieve. To give you a basic idea a "Microdose" will cause minimal effects but might "take the edge off". A Heroic Dose will cause a complete loss of reality. Micro Mini Low Normal High Heroic Mushroom type This selection is important because fresh mushrooms are 90% water weight. We almost always recommend drying your mushrooms prior to ingestion. Dried Fresh Psilocybin content This is a customizable slider. This allows you to specify the deterioration of Psilocybin when it's dried. If you think that your shrooms will lose half of their Psilocybin when dried, put the slider at 50%. The default value is 80%. If you take exceptional care when drying and storing your shrooms select a higher percentage. If you dry your shrooms in the oven at 275 degrees for an hour, use a lower percentage. Psilocin content This is the exact same as the Psilocybin content. It’s a customizable slider allows you to specify the deterioration of your shrooms. Psilocin breaks down more quickly than Psilocybin which is why the slider defaults at 50%. I would suggest you keep the ratio between Psilocybin and Psilocin similar to the defaults. Milligrams of Psilocybin per Gram of Mushrooms This displays the amount of Psilocybin you have for the Shroom selected in the “Magic Mushroom” drop down. If you think the amount of Psilocybin we have listed is incorrect, you can put in your own custom number. Milligrams of Psilocin per Gram of Mushrooms This displays the amount of Psilocin you have for the Shroom selected in the “Magic Mushroom” drop down. If you think the amount of Psilocin we have listed is incorrect, you can put in your own custom number. Tripped within the Last 11 Days? If you take a lot of shrooms in a short period you can develop a tolerance. If this slider is turned on it will assume that the shroom you previously took is the shroom you have selected now. How many grams did you take? How many days ago did you take it? Using a MAO Inhibitor? A Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor blocks or inhibits the monoamine oxidase enzyme. This can lead to extended and more intense trips. MAOI’s are for experienced users and are very dangerous. You can only use reversible MAOI's. We strongly advise against using MAO Inhibitors. Calculate gram(s) These are my Favorite Magic Mushroom Spores Buy Magic Mushrooms Now